An Overview on High Blood Pressure and Eye Diseases

High Blood Pressure and Eye Diseases

Did you know that your vision connected to other aspects of well-being in a manner way that you don’t always expect? For example, hypertension and circulatory problems may increase your risk of various retinal disorders and illnesses. 

Thankfully, Windy city retina in Plainfield, Illinois, where Dr. Ankit Desai is a retina specialist dedicated to offering advanced retina care and focus on prevention and long-term wellness.

Consider the dangers of high blood pressure and look at a few retinal conditions that this can cause. 

Understand the Danger of Hypertension

If you suffer from hypertension, you are at increased risk for several health problems and conditions. This is to be expected when your circulation is impaired. This includes heart attack, stroke, aneurysms, and cognitive issues. In addition to affecting your general wellbeing significantly, high blood pressure can also lead to many vision problems.

Let us take a view on retinal problems most commonly associated with high blood pressure include:

Hypertensive Retinopathy 

Hypertensive retinopathy refers to damage to retina (the transparent, light-sensitive structure at the back of the eye) caused by high blood pressure. Going for regular eye exam is the only way to diagnose this eye disorder.

Eye Stroke

Stroke means blood flow to the inside of the retina is blocked. If this eye condition left untreated then this restricted blood flow may result in blurred vision and even total vision loss.


Choroidopathy refers to fluid build-up below the retina. This can cause deformed vision and even scar tissue that alters a person's vision.

Macular Degeneration 

Macular degeneration refers to the decomposition of the central portion of the retina. Although it is often linked to the aging process, high blood pressure can increase the risk of this condition.

Preventative Care for Retinal Conditions

When it comes to hypertension and retinal issues, prevention is the best remedy.

If you are having high blood pressure then talks to your doctor about getting your blood pressure under control. The best ways to lower blood pressure including proper diet and taking regular exercise. People who have problem of high blood pressure are also encouraged to quit smoking, as quit smoking can make a major difference to overall wellness.

More invasive alternatives are available to control blood pressure and associated diseases. Bariatric surgery could be recommended for the obese and morbidly obese. In addition there are also medications available to reduce blood pressure for more urgent needs.

Treating Retinal Diseases

It is essential to consider that the treatment of retinal conditions will typically involve some combination of eye surgery and lifestyle modifications that improve blood flow and circulation. Our aim will always be to revive your vision to the best of our ability and help you make smart choices to prevent further retinal problems down the road.

Contact Windy City Retina

If you are looking for retina care in the Chicagoland area, then be sure to schedule an appointment with our own retina surgeon Dr. Ankit Desai at 📞 (815)714-9115. 

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