Windy City Retina | Macular Hole Surgery to Restore the Vision

As we get older there are some retinal conditions with which we can suffer from and these can interfere with vision. A macular hole is one of the potential causes of vision loss. In these conditions, there is a small tear or opening in the macula. When a macular hole develops then it can cause blurry or distorted vision. Windy city retina is one the most popular name among retina centers in Plainfield, Illinois. Here Dr. Ankit Desai treats this condition with macular hole surgery and restores the clear vision of the patient.

If we talk about the causes behind the macular hole then there are many potential causes but the most common cause is age-related macular degeneration that is more common among people aged 60 and over. This type of eye condition can affect men and women but women have a slightly higher risk.

Some of the Conditions Most Commonly Linked to Macular Hole Include:

Shrinkage or separation of the vitreous(the clear, gel-like material that gives eyes its shape)

Severe nearsightedness

Macular pucker

Retinal detachment

Eye injury

Surgical Procedure

If the percentage of macular hole is small then it will resolve without intervention, most get worse without treatment. For effective treatment of macular hole, Dr. Ankit Desai performs macular hole surgery. Macular hole surgery is typically performed using a local anesthetic so the patient remains awake during the procedure but it is completely comfortable. At the beginning of surgery three small holes are created which grant access for the small surgical tool to remove the vitreous from inside the eye. After the removal of the vitreous, the surgeon will peel back the thin membrane on the surface of the retina that surrounds the macular hole. Then the mixture of air and gas-filled into the eye that will put pressure into the macular hole.

Within An Hour, Surgery Should Be Completed And Recovery Can Begin.

After the completion of macular surgery, the eye will be covered with a protective shield. We will prescribe eye drops that need to be used as directed during the recovery to minimize the risk of surgical complications. It is also a considerable fact that minor discomfort is common after macular hole surgery but should be easily managed with the use of acetaminophen. Facedown positioning is one of the most important aspects of macular hole surgery. Facedown positioning places the gas bubble behind the macular hole where it can pressure the tissues to heal. We often recommend that patients look into renting a massage table so that they can feel more comfortable in this position as they recover.

 Contact Us

If you are concern about your vision or the health of your eyes, Dr. Ankit Desai would be happy to help. Contact us at your earliest convenience or call ðŸ“ž (815)714-9115 to discuss your concern. 

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