Get Better Understanding on Torn Retina or Detached Retina

The retina is a thin layer of tissue that lines the back of the eye and locate near the optic nerve. The function of the retina is to receive the light from the lens and convert it into neural signals on the brain for visual recognition.

When the retina begins detaching from its actual position, then it is an emergency called by term torn retina. People who are suffering from retinal diseases may undergo a higher risk of retinal detachment.  

Know About Sign And Risk Factors For A Torn Retina

Early prevention can increase the chances for a quick and full recovery. The risk factors of the torn retina include:

Severe Myopia

Advanced age


Recent eye surgery

Trauma to the eye

History of retinal detachment 

Weak retinal tears

Symptoms of Torn Retina

Eye disorders are the leading cause of increased risk for a torn retina. When people have a problem with the torn retina, the fluid inside your eye can break underneath and separate the retina from its underlying tissue. And this terrible condition is known as retinal detachment. 

Here are some warning signs almost always appear before it occurs or has advanced, such as:

The sudden appearance of many tiny floaters in your field of vision

Flashes of light in one or both eyes (photopsia)

Blurred vision

Gradually reduced side (peripheral) vision

A curtain-like shadow over your visual field

What Are My Treatment Option?

Are you with a torn retina and looking for treatment options? If the answer is yes, then retina specialist Plainfield will start with a comprehensive eye exam. Our doctors will ask you to list of symptoms; after that, they examine both of your eyes. Our doctors will look for signs of tears, detachment, bleeding, and retinal holes. In case if you found with torn retina, the treatment option will be discussed by the retina specialist. A retina surgeon performs retinal surgery to fix the problem of a torn retina.   

Scheduled Your Appointment Today

There are a variety of reasons responsible for retinal detachment. In case, If you are experiencing any of the following symptoms, feel free to contact Retina Specialists Plainfield office online or at (815)714-9115 immediately. Immediate action can protect your vision from possibly irreversible damage.

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