
Showing posts from December, 2020

An Overview on Diagnosis and Treatment of Lattice Degeneration

At windy city retina, Dr. Ankit Desai is providing diagnosis and treatment for the full range of diseases of the retina, macula, and vitreous. Lattice degeneration is one of the most common retinal conditions that we encounter at the retina center. Lattice degeneration is an eye disorder that affects approximately 10 percent of the American population. There is majority of people suffering from the condition and are not aware that they are affected because it does not show symptoms. However, in cases where lattice degeneration causes symptoms, the diagnosis is performed by a retina specialist immediately. Once Dr. Ankit Desai diagnoses the lattice degeneration at the retina center, he can determine whether this eye condition requires treatment or not. It has been noticed that in some cases, the lattice degeneration can lead to retinal problems, such as a retinal tear. Patients living with retinal tears may require treatment to help prevent retinal detachment and permanent loss of vis...

Everything You Wanted To Know About Blood Pressure And Retinal Diseases

Your vision is connected with other aspects of well-being in a way that you don't always expect. For example, high blood pressure and circulatory problems may increase your risk of a variety of retinal diseases. Fortunately, Windy City Retina at Plainfield, Illinois can assist you. We offer advanced treatment for retinal diseases with an emphasis on long-term prevention and well-being. Consider the dangers of high blood pressure and a few retinal conditions that it may cause. Next, we will briefly give prevention tips and an overview of the treatment of these diseases. If you have high blood pressure, you run an increased risk of health problems. This can be expected when the flow is impaired. That includes heart attacks, strokes, aneurysms, and cognitive problems. In addition to significantly affecting your overall wellbeing, hypertension can also lead to a number of vision problems. Some of the most common retinal conditions associated with high blood pressure include: Hypertensi...