Lattice Degeneration: Take A Look into Causes, Symptoms, and Eye Exam Importance

The thinning of the retina that can happen over time is known as Lattice degeneration. Approximately 10 out of 100 people have lattice degeneration. An individual requires a healthy retina for clear vision, yet many people with this condition remain symptom-free without any impact on their vision. However, in some cases, lattice degeneration can lead to retinal detachment. As the condition of retinal detachment can cause vision loss, those with lattice degeneration need regular eye exams. What Causes Lattice Degeneration? According to experts, the exact cause of lattice degeneration is not sure. However, they have found that certain people are more adaptive to the risk of developing the condition. It is considered that lattice degeneration is not always inherited, but it does run in some families. Lattice Degeneration is also more common in people with: • Myopia (nearsightedness) • Certain diseases like Stickler syndrome and Marfan syndrome. Sympt...